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Dont' Run Out of Gas.
Cash is king!
Knowing WHEN you have cash coming in
and cash going out can make or break the business
Why is Cash Flow Important to a Business?
…or rather, how long can my business exist with no inflow?
While businesses appear to fail for many reasons, the majority of problems are cash management related. Perhaps there’s not enough sales to sustain the business, perhaps important and timely purchases were mishandled, or the business cash position has become negative over a period of time and there’s a final ‘death blow’ in the form of a more acute incident that topples the business (2020 – we’re looking at you for this last one!)
With the right information and management techniques, a business can predict how long they can stay in business – knowing this will help prioritize and plan how you manage your cash…and likely keep you in business longer.
How? With a Disciplined Approach to Forecasting and Modeling
Monitor, Manage, and Model Cash
“I need visibility around the possible outcomes of future events, and the ability to stress-test my business against internal and external ‘what if’ scenarios”
Cash modeling occurs when you can clearly articulate – then show – the cause and effect of an event on business cash flow.
· Cash modeling requires an understanding of the business, its cash monitoring findings and cash management practices.
· Cash modeling starts with an idea: “What if X were to happen on a specific date?”
· Cash modeling should be approached as a series of quick sketches that can either be discarded or refined as time progresses
· Cash modeling should be considered extensively from both growth and risk angles
Get the full report (10 min read)
Modeling cash flow is a high-value, strategic monitoring and real-time tools to create and consider ‘what if’ scenarios to help map how to avoid risk and foster growth.
FAQ for QuickBooks accounting or other systems
As soon as you start to think about your business, an accountant can help you take the next steps. We can discuss your business's organization, tax purposes and operations, along with target pricing and profit margins. We support QuickBooks Online accountant because it is flexible, reasonably easy for non-accountants to learn, and provides an huge inventory of add-on, specialized third party applications to meet your specific needs at a relatively low cost.
Get some impartial advice from an accountant before you consult the bank. A bank will want to see a strong business plan and organized records. Let us provide accounting help so you may prepare for your business's next step!
Does your accountant return your calls? Do you feel comfortable asking them a question? Do you feel heard? With the right accountant, the answers should be a resounding "Yes!"
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