What We Do

Highline Consulting Helps You Understand the Numbers
- We help you keep accurate and timely transaction information to make sure you are making informed decisions when you need them.
- Build streamlined and efficient accounting processes within your company which ensures peace of mind, lowers costs and provides essential information for banks, tax reporting, purchasing and sales decisions.
- Build budgets and consistent account reconciliations help our clients keep on top their cash.
- Changes in sales, costs, assets, liabilities and cash are immediately available for analysis in our cash forecasting tool DryRun
We help you see the big picture in your industry
- keep up with trends, spot patterns in the numbers, look for oversights, reduce errors and help keep you ahead of the competition.
- We research and implement best practices in accounting processes and technology, tailored for your industry which will help reduce errors, avoid penalties, and provide realistic plans for your growth and new markets.
- With Highline Consulting, you get consistent, timely entries, reporting and advice that lets you do the high value tasks that make your company grow in these trying times.

We help answer these process questions
- Data entry – input or capture data digitally, reducing errors and costs. How are we integrating with the data source?
- Processes to capture and manage the numbers – Which accounting package?
- Measurement and validation to report the information – which category do I need, which bucket should this go in? What am I measuring?
- Analysis and context for informed decisions – How are we reporting in excel, pivot tables, analysis, KPI’s? Am I optimizing my cash?
- Better information which saves you time and money. Clarity improves decision making for reduced risk and better outcomes. Have we developed processes to monitor and improve your business?
- What is the smartest path for the best business result?